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Hi there,
I’m Kyle!

My passion for working with young people began as a counselor at summer camp. While I wished ‘camp’ was an undergraduate degree, I made the choice to focus on Psychology and Leadership Studies during my tenure at The Ohio State University. This combination of disciplines allowed me to explore the intricacies of human behavior while forming a deep understanding of leadership at a systems level. When the time came to graduate, I knew I wanted to embark on a career that could give me the joy I felt at camp while simultaneously impacting the greatest number of young people possible. These exact feelings led me to Teach For America, where I instantly learned about the inequities in our public education system and realized I want to spend my career building the schools our kids deserve.

Over the years, my journey in education has evolved. After six years as a fourth-grade teacher, I now serve as an Assistant Principal. In this role, I support over 500 students and 70 staff members, working to create an environment where teachers and students can thrive.

Since the spring of 2020, I have been documenting and sharing my journey in education on social media. I have gained over 300,000 followers and millions of views across platforms and hope my content helps advocate for the changes we need to see in our schools. Thank you for being here and being along for the ride!


More Things

  1. 👨🏻‍🏫 I'm a licensed principal in the state of Ohio.

  2. 💻 Buzzfeed wrote an article about me (and had me on their podcast)! 

  3. 🎙️ I was on Angela Watson's Truth for Teachers podcast. Check it out!

  4. ✏️ Yahoo shared my TikTok about teacher pay.

©2023 Mr. Kyle Cohen, LLC

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